Apologetics / Reflections Catholic Church Catholic Faith Christ Christian Jesus Christ Religion

13 of the best ways to evangelize like Jesus

Photo Image: http://www.vcatholic.com

What is the greatest way to evangelize in your opinion?

Agree or disagree:

Here is what I commonly find to be people’s answers based on personality, disposition, or what works for them:

  1. Ask the right questions.
  2. Provide good answers.
  3. Reach them at their heart and let them know you care through action, teaching them how to love more deeply. Solve problems for them where they miss the mark with someone they care about.
  4. Meet them where they are at, do as the spirit leads, or what you feel led to be best. Whether you should provide an alm, give them work, bring a meal, get them out of the house, support by listening, invite them to church, etc., do it.
  5. Reach the leader of the community to convince the whole community.

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